Version: 22 AUG. 2011

Updated: 26 June, 2013


SEWA DEVELOPMENT TRUST SIND (SDTS) purpose for this ethics policy is to establish a culture of openness, trust and integrity in organizational practices. Effective ethics is a team effort involving the participation and support of every 
SDTS employee.  All employees should familiarize themselves with the ethics guidelines that follow this introduction.

SEWA DEVELOPMENT TRUST SIND (SDTS)  is committed to protecting employees, 
donors, partners, vendors and the organizationfrom illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.  When SDTSaddresses issues proactively and uses correct judgment, it will help set us apart from competitors.

SEWA DEVELOPMENT TRUST SIND (SDTS) will not tolerate any wrongdoing or impropriety at any time.  SEWA DEVELOPMENT TRUST SIND (SDTS) will take the appropriate measures act quickly in correcting the issue if the ethical code is broken.  Any infractions of this code of ethics will not be tolerated. 

Our purpose for authoring a publication on ethics is to emphasize the employee’s and 
donorsexpectation to be treated to fair organizational  practices.  This policy will serve to guide organisational behaviour to ensure ethical conduct.

3.    SCOPE
This policy applies to employees, donors, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other workers at SEWA DEVELOPMENT TRUST SIND (SDTS), including all personnel affiliated with third parties.

Our focus is to uplift the social, economic status of the Vulnerable and Marginalized communities in general children and women groups, youth and farmers in particular so as to facilitate in initiation of the development process.

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